Wine storage: the temperature often underestimated.

Wine culture has slowly become a crucial moment for people and their social life.

The role that wine culture has assumed in recent years in Italy (but not only) has gradually grown with the increasingly frequent appearance of places dedicated to the world of wine.

As observed Carlo Petrini, founder of Slow Food, in his last speech at the Turin Salone del Gusto, in 2018: ""Finally we kicked the bad wine off the tables of grape enthusiasts. We drink less, but wedrink better! Quality is chosen and rewarded by the market and consumers all over the world"".

In this climate of greater awareness regarding the raw material, we have witnessed a decisive change: the bottles from the back of the premises or counters have taken up more and more space in public areas, the cellars have gained increasingly important roles, with elegant lines, refined colors and the characteristics of Italian design.

Temperature changes.

This aspect is often the most underestimated by those who are not practical / experts in the wine world.

The temperature of the storage cellar must be constant or have variations that are as limited as possible: the increase of only one degree Celsius causes the expansion of the volume of the wine in the bottle as well as a decrease can cause its reduction.

The slight and gradual variations create less problems than temperature changes: for this reason you bring home the newly purchased bottles it would be better to let them acclimatize in a room or room halfway so as to let the wine get used to the thermal difference.

Air humidity.

Even if the bottle is sealed with the capsule or with the cork stopper, an exchange of air between the inside and the outside although minimal is often inevitable. This phenomenon is greater in a dry environment, where liquids evaporate more rapidly.

An ideal ideal humidity rate should be between 80% and 85%, an easily measurable value with a hygrometer.

Ideal temperature.

It is said that the ideal temperature for storing wine is between 12 ° C and 14 ° C, allowing the wine to pass (almost) directly from the cellar to the glass, but in reality the wine does not suffer if stored between 6 ° C and 18 ° C, withstanding up to 20 ° C.

At higher temperatures, however, the alcohol quickly evaporates, as well as the fruity aroma deteriorates and disperses.

La nuova Venere WN di Framec, dedicata alla conservazione del vino, permette una massima eterogeneità delle tipologie di vino stoccabili, grazie ad una versatilità che la porta ad avere fino a 5 diverse zone di temperatura. (nella versione Multitemp)

Scopri di più sulla linea Wine di Framec
Posted on: 20 December 2019
Tag: Framec wine